There’s Extraordinary In What Seems Ordinary

12 Nov 2024 by Phil Dokmanovic in: Bangalow-Byron Bay News

Dear Circle of Hope,

It seems to me that many of us find ourselves in the midst of full lives and schedules that lead us to a place where our lives and our very existence can sometimes feel quite…well…ordinary. These are just the ordinary things I do. This is just the ordinary place I live in and these are just the ordinary people that are present in my family, my community and my neighbourhood. But when we take time to pause and reflect upon all these ordinary things I believe something truly magical happens. We realise that there is extraordinary in what seems ordinary. We are surrounded by beauty, love, kindness and wonder.

Each and every day in our local community ordinary people like you and I go about our lives and in doing so extraordinary things occur. Generosity, random acts of kindness, encouraging affirmations and community service are all extraordinary things which occur through the goodness and compassion of ordinary people. Through ordinary people extraordinary things happen!

When we consider the world around us in these days we often wonder how things can change. Our awareness is filled with the realities of our local and global village…wars, conflict, abuse of power, poverty, injustice, loneliness and broken systems. We wonder how ordinary people like us can in any way contribute to these heavy and crushing issues being addressed or even transformed. Surely we need extraordinary people to bring change?! But throughout history extraordinary change has always stemmed from the small beginnings of ordinary people, who seek to make a difference in their own backyard. These humble beginnings find a life of their own and grow into actions, creative pursuits and movements that bring life-giving restoration and hope to humanity.

When it comes to faith, I believe that God is present in each and every moment of our ordinary lives. This realisation can lead us to become more aware that all things are sacred, as we encounter the Divine in all experiences and all around us and within us. Life is punctuated by a God who is always present, persistently, patiently, creatively, and lovingly. In the mess and the mundane of ordinary life, God works in ways that are surprising, transformative, joyful, reconciling, and unifying. Most of the time this occurs through the work of ordinary people. This is anything but ordinary. As ordinary people we are invited into this place of recognising that we can participate in life in ways that bring transformation…where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

May your eyes be open to the presence of the extraordinary in what seems ordinary. May you engage in life in this world in ways where extraordinary things occur and may we all be open to the countless ways that extraordinary sights, sounds, actions and things permeate each and every moment of our lives.

Thank you for being part of our Circle of Hope.

Grace and peace, 
