The Bangalow Byron Bay Uniting Church operates an Op Shop in Byron Bay.

The Op Shop, situated in Ritchie Hall (the building adjacent to the church) operates from 9am-1pm Monday-Friday, in Carlyle St, Byron Bay.

Our Op Shop is a safe place for people from all parts of our community to visit. It is a place where affordable and recycled clothing, essential items and other odds and ends can be purchased. It is a place where those who are sleeping rough or stepping out from domestic violence can come to receive free clothing and essential supplies. It is a place where the local homelessness hub comes to source free clothing that they can distribute to their users. It is a place where our ‘regulars’ can come and have a chat with the wonderful volunteers as they browse. It is a place where over twenty volunteers from our community come to serve each week, express love and find community amongst their daily teams. It is a place of loving community.

For further information about the Op Shop please contact 02 6685 5591.